This is a letter I sent to the Fayetteville Observer in response to Katharine Royal's article "Sermon dangerous to gay youth" 5/4/2012.
Why would the Fayetteville Observer give Katherine Royal co-pastor of Diversity in Faith a New Christian Church in Fayetteville top billing on page 11A to communicate her message of gender diversity and inclusion? Is this because the FO has an agenda? In her lengthy article she is not confined to 250 words. She doesn’t have to justify her positions. She doesn’t have to report that I said “we are NOT to be homophobic.” Instead, she distorts my message with her agenda. I didn’t say, “I was just joking.” Greg Phillips created that headline. Hyperbole would have been a much better word. Royal would have me to stop preaching the whole Bible. In the words of Martin Luther, unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason that transgender and homosexual behavior is not sinful I will continue to preach the Word of God. Will I be more careful in the words I choose? Yes. Will I continue to preach the whole counsel of the Bible? Yes. If just one person is saved from the destructive GLBT lifestyle, then my preaching is not in vain. If there isn’t sin in the Diversity of Faith congregation and there isn’t a hell—what does the gospel save someone from in her church? No one is forced to attend Berean. No one is forced to listen to sermons online. Where is the respect for a different interpretation of the Bible? Katherine Royal, I am not laughing either.