In November BBC will vote to add this article to our current article of faith. The purpose of this article is to articulate a paragraph summary on what the Bible presents on wine, beer, strong drink, etc. and to too communicate the church's position.
The covenant previously addressed the issue with less than a sentance which isn't sufficient. Furthermore, it did not permit there to be differences in understanding between two God fearing men which can be the case as it relates to the consumption of wine in the life of a Christian. One must never think of themselves as more righteous because they do or do not consume a beverage in moderation; whereas; drunkeness is always presented as a sin. Baptists traditionally have taken a stand of encouraging its members from abstaining from the consumption of alcohol for the reasons presented and articulated in the below recommended addition to our statement of faith. However, it must also be said that the purpose of this article is not to encourage members to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think because they do not consume alcohol. My judgment must be limited to the Word of God and not my own personal preferences and individual ethical standards of conduct. Let the Word of God judge and be my judge.
Proposed Article of Faith 26
We believe that Christians may cause a weaker brother or sister to stumble or be offended by the consumption of wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages, (Rom. 14:21, 1 Cor. 8:9) and that being intoxicated is forbidden (Eph. 5:18, 1 Cor. 6: 9b.-10, 11:21) and is a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:21, 1 Pet. 4:2-3). Drunkenness brings reproach to the cause of Christ and has negative effects on the human body, the family, and the body of Christ. We base this position on the words of our Lord Jesus who tells us that being intoxicated may keep us from being ready for His imminent return (Luke 21:34) and numerous Biblical passages that prohibit drunkenness because of the negative effects of alcohol such as the following: physical and emotional suffering, strife, and sorrow (Prov. 23:29-30); poverty (Prov. 21:17, 23:21); sexual immorality (Gen. 9:21, Rom. 13:13); a disregard for the work of the Lord (Is. 5:12); error in judgment (Prov. 20:1, Is. 28:7); loss of friendships and relationships (1 Cor. 5:11); and punishment from God (Matt 24:49-51). Based on an objective analysis of all that the Word of God presents concerning alcohol, the church encourages its members, by the grace of God, to adopt a personal total abstinence standard. Furthermore, BBC believes the medicinal and purifying aspects of wine are no longer necessary for life in the twenty-first century. Pastors (1 Tim 3.3), deacons, teachers, supervisors, directors, and employees of the church are prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverage based on the spirit and intent of Lev. 10:9 and Prov. 31:4-5.
I look forward to hearing from you with regard to whether you believe this is fair treatment of alcohol from the Bible.