Are you anxious about who is going to be elected President Tuesday?
Should you be anxious? It depends; if you are a follower of Jesus Christ the answer is no—NO! Regardless of what happens my conclusion must be: this was God’s will.
I base this upon God’s Sovereign rule over every election, appointment and establishment of governments throughout the world.
He, God, the Sovereign One raises up whom He sees fit.
If Senator Obama is the next President, I must conclude God has decided that He is God’s man—regardless of whether he is a Christian or not.
If Senator McCain is the next President, I must conclude God has decided that He is God’s man—regardless of whether he is a Christian or not.
I get this from the OT reference to Cyrus as God’s shepherd.
Isaiah 44:28 who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd, and he shall fulfill all my purpose’; saying of Jerusalem, ‘She shall be built,’ and of the temple, ‘Your foundation shall be laid.’ ”
(Personally, I don’t think either of them conducts themselves as though Jesus is the King!)
Above all, I must not be anxious—I have already cast my vote, but I will NOT advocate for a political party. My responsibility is to advocate for the gospel and the Word of God. I will speak on behalf of the unborn babies that are being aborted every day. I will speak on behalf of the acceptability and encouragement of alternative lifestyles that make God sick at how mankind perverts His sovereign plan for a man and woman united in holy matrimony.
What America needs far more than change enacted by one party or the other is the gospel. Christians who believe America is going to fall apart if one or the other candidate is elected have forgotten that Jesus is the King.
He rules in the Kingdom of men. America is my temporary home; my citizenship is in a Kingdom that will last forever. I vote as my civic duty, based upon what I believe God’s will is with regard to the platform each candidate stands for and then I recognize that God uses my vote as He sees fit to accomplish His Will and I am exceptionally thankful that He is Sovereign.