A few days ago, a young person asked me a simply profound question:
“If my Sunday school teacher knew a prayer does not save a person from their sins, why did she lead me to pray a prayer for salvation?”
What a great question? How do you answer that?
Isn’t it interesting how we all say:
It is repentant faith in the person and work of Jesus as the Christ that saves one from the wrath of God and adopts them into the family of God, as a justified believer, and then we go forward with leading the boy or girl in some recitation of:
Dear Jesus,
How confusing?
It really needs to stop.
Ambassadors of God must challenge men and women, boys and girls to BELIEVE. Nothing more—salvation is a work of the Lord that is appropriated by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ as the eternal prophet, priest and King--the Son of God.
The central teaching of the entire NT is “belief” in the person and work of Jesus Christ saves men and women. 1 John 5.1.
If the heart that has been regenerated wishes to pray, let it pray and pray and pray but not under the leadership of a canned prayer that seems more like a recitation than the confession of a new believer.