Abortion Open Letter to Rev. Raphael Warnock

 December 11, 2020

Reverend Raphael Warnock

Ebenezer Baptist Church

101 Jackson Street NE

Atlanta, GA 30312

Dear Reverend Warnock,

We are a coalition of Black Christian ministers who, like you, feel called by God to preach the

Bible, advocate for justice and fight against societal evils. We applaud your commendable efforts

to share Christ while pursuing political solutions to our most pressing problems today.

But precisely because we share so much in common with you, we feel compelled to confront

your most recent statements concerning abortion. You have gone on the record saying that you

are a “pro-choice pastor” who will “always fight for reproductive justice.” You have publicly

expressed your views that abortion is an exercise of “human agency and freedom” that is fully

consistent with your role as a shepherd of God’s people.

We believe these statements represent grave errors of judgment and a lapse in pastoral

responsibility, and we entreat you to reconsider them. As a Christian pastor and as a Black

leader, you have a duty to denounce the evil of abortion, which kills a disproportionate number

of Black children. Your open advocacy of abortion is a scandal to the faith and to the Black


Abortion is fundamentally in conflict with the plain reading of the Bible. The Bible clearly

teaches that human life is created by God beginning at conception. As Psalm 139 proclaims:

“You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am wonderfully and fearfully

made.” What human being could possibly have the right to blot out an innocent life that God has

wonderfully and fearfully made?

Abortion prematurely thwarts God’s providential and loving plan for a promising human life.

And by terminating an innocent unborn life in the womb, abortion directly violates the seventh

commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” God demands that every faithful Christian protect and

uphold the sanctity of innocent human life, at every stage of life. Supporting abortion represents

a serious abdication of and a transgression against that responsibility, just like the disrespect of

the poor, the disabled, or the elderly.

Couching abortion in the language of “reproductive justice” may be savvy marketing, but killing

an innocent human life has nothing to do either with reproduction or with justice. Do American

adults really need another public voice urging them to put their own short-term desires ahead of

the needs of their children? As a pastor who speaks for the Christian community, we implore you

to speak the plain truth about a practice as barbaric and destructive as abortion.

And then there is the uniquely devastating impact that abortion has on the Black communities

you serve. The pro-abortion movement in America has been characterized by racism and white

supremacy since its inception. And to this day, abortion continues to unequally and

disproportionately harm Black lives, perpetuating systemic racism. Despite making up only 13%

of the female population, Black women represent 36% of all abortions, and Black women are

almost five times more likely than their white counterparts to receive an abortion. In some cities

across the country, more Black children are aborted every year than are born alive.

Can you in good conscience defend abortion, knowing that abortion kills 474 Black babies for

every 1000 live births? Abortion decimates Black communities, disrupts Black families and

inflicts untold harm on Black women. Black women and Black families need your advocacy;

they need your protection, and they need your support. But they do not need Black pastors

making excuses for the racism in the abortion industry. Killing Black lives, especially killing

unborn Black lives, does nothing but brutalize and scar vulnerable Black communities who are

already suffering so much.

For all of the above reasons, we entreat you to reconsider your public advocacy for abortion.

Unborn Black, brown and white lives are so much more than clumps of cells, burdensome

inconveniences, or health problems. They are sacred human persons endowed by God with

inalienable dignity and worth. We implore you to uphold the Biblical defense of life and to fight

against the systemic racism of abortion.


Bishop Garland Hunt

Father's House

Norcross, GA

Bishop Wellington Boone

Fellowship of International Churches

Atlanta, GA

Bishop Flynn Johnson

Metro City Church

Atlanta, GA

Bishop Michael Paden

GA Metro Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction COGIC

Atlanta, GA

Bishop John Reid

John Reid Ministries

Cumming, GA

Pastor Frankie Vega

Awakening Reformation Center

Smyrna, GA