5 Reasons to Join a Local Christ-exalting, Bible-believing Church

 Five God-glorifying Reasons to Join Berean (the local church I pastor)

1) Joining Berean Baptist church is like getting married. Membership brings you into a covenant relationship with this local church. You don't attend here—you are a member! You are officially part of the church.  Without a membership role, how do we know who comprises the church? Is it anyone who attends on Sundays mornings? Is it anyone who shows up to a member's meeting? How are local disciples of Christ supposed to follow the protocols outlined by Jesus in Matthew 18 without a church membership? The Apostle Peter exhorted the elders to "shepherd the flock that is among them" (1 Peter 5:2). Who is the flock?  Uniting with the church says, "I want to be part of the flock at Berean." 

2) Joining Berean brings you under the authority of the local church. Uniting with us is profitable for your sanctification and perseverance in the faith. If you wander from the gospel, the elders, deacons, and members of the church have a formal obligation to speak into your life, and you have made a formal commitment to respond appropriately.  The elders of Berean can't watch over the souls of every believer in Fayetteville—membership formally communicates, "I want Berean's spiritual leaders watching over my soul for my sanctification and spiritual growth." Read and study 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 5:17, and Hebrew 13:17. 

3) Joining Berean gives you a legitimate voice in the church. Our church polity is pluralistic elder-led congregationalism — members of Berean have a voice. If you are not a member, you can’t approve or disapprove of recommendations brought before the church. You don’t see the reports and know the health of the church. Why wouldn't you want to be able to participate in making important decisions? Read 1 Corinthians 5 and see the church doing its spiritual duty.  Ask yourself, is my lack of commitment coming from the Spirit dwelling in me, or is my spirit grieving the Holy Spirit?

4) Joining Berean sets the conditions for you to be able to use your spiritual gifts to the fullest ability in the body of Christ. Non-members are not permitted to teach or lead. Yet this may be the will of God for your life. You may have spiritual gifts that will not be used at Berean because we believe it is quite prudent to limit the office of teacher, deacon, and elder to church members. I trust you understand the necessity of venting all teachers of the Bible in the church.  And the same for deacon and elder. 

5) Joining Berean is helpful for the corporate witness of the church in the community. Your formal commitment to membership speaks volumes to your level of commitment to Christ and the Christ the unbelieving world sees. We don't go to church—we are the church.  In a day and age, when people are struggling with commitment and apathy—we need to be counter-cultural. We are salt and light. Formal membership declares, loud and clear—"I am committed to being a faithful engaged member until God moves me to another city." 

I pray the Holy Spirit will use these five reasons to move someone to do what I know brings God glory.  For all who are on the fence, please pray earnestly about formally uniting with the church of God that assembles on Glensford Drive. I trust you understand that I would be negligent in my duties as a shepherd if I were not admonishing you in love for our Lord. 
